Mobilising Christians Against Poverty

MDGs-Voiceless being heard !

A testimony by Pastor Peter Chikoseleshi,

Dear friends

We had Micah Sunday on 17th Oct where we were praying over the Millennium Goals after petitioning the Minister of Petion to the Minister RepEducation on the 16th October to consider the plight of Community schools around the country. A good number of pastors and people from different churches came together and we prayed for all sectors of our economy and that poverty should be swept out. 

Insert Photo: Presentation of petition to the Minister’s Representative

Some of the pictures you will see are of people marching. These are the people who participated in the Micah Challenge Millennium Development Goal campaign. About 50 community schools from Ndola District participated.

The prayer items for the Micah challenge were:

1. That the government deploys trained teachers to community schools on needs based system that is not influenced by school type.

2. Meet quotas established for enrolment in pre-service programs for community schools.Stand Up Take Action

3. Provide alternate training for community schoolteachers giving credence to the teacher’s time spent teaching in the community school classrooms.

4. Give preference in deployment to former community school teachers trained by the government.

5. Provide books and materials to community schools in an equitable and transparent manner.

6. Improve school infrastructure by providing funds for improvement of water and sanitation at community schools.

Why should Christians petition over the Millennium Development goals?

According to the Bible, we are the head and not the tail. The Bible also tells us to speak for those who cannot speak for DSC05788(2) themselves. In the past Christians only talked about heaven and left much of the work to the politician. We later came to learn that the constitutions in some western nations formulated by politicians were not in line as some ruled out the sharing of the gospel in communities and schools and public gatherings. This was when Christians woke up and realised that politics should not be left in the hands of the politician alone. Politicians instead should be accountable to us as people who listen from God. My appeal to christen leaders is to mentor Christians who will have influence in the political arena so that when a constitution is being implemented Christians shall be involved and ensure peace.

For several years, Micah Challenge in collaboration with the GCAP and the UN Millennium has been participating in the Stand and take Action Campaign to remind the 189 nations including Zambia who signed the MDG Declaration in 2000 toMatch Past stay focused on the commitment to achieve the MDGs.

Finally, please as Christians let us not be quiet but take action. We have already told the government what needs to be done but we too have our own contribution towards the communities that are less privileged so that we act as an example to our leaders.

Thank you for being an active participator to this cause.

Pastor Peter.

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